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Sex, Drugs, and Rock N Roll!

Yes! It was a typical Photostar Photography shoot assignment for me this week. But before I get to my project, let me update real quick.

I experienced my FIRST earthquake today while in class. Scared me to death and felt sickly for a few hours after, I was hoping to skirt the earthquakes the whole time I was here but unfortunately mother nature had a different plan of attack.  Everything was fine, the doggies were ok so I was glad. I couldn’t wait to get home to check on them.

My dad went back to Texas yesterday, he came up for the weekend and we had some good father daughter fun. He also reiterated points that I needed to hear about life itself. I get very upset when I see people making money in photography when they shouldn’t be making money. I feel like I’ve busted my bum for years of my life to shoot photography the way I shoot and be open minded to learning more as I am now. I get sick and tired of new photographers being introduced by the seconds and producing horrible images. My dad just told me to ignore what they are doing as in his business there is competition but he knows that the people that find their builders elsewhere always come back to him asking him to rebuild what the last guy messed up, So much that he has a kept a 3 year waiting list the last 6 years of my life.. he’s that amazing. He is right, my parents get comments all the time about my photography and wondering when I’ll be back to take pictures that other local photographers (if you want to call them that) have messed up or taken poorly. We shall see but I’m glad my dad was here and to help me really put in prospective as to why I’m here learning more about photography… my parents rock!

Speaking of rock let’s get back to my assignment! This week we had to shoot lines, shapes and textures. I’ve decided to make every shoot my own and shoot stuff I can use or that pertains to my area of photography. So I shot with the theme of sex, drugs and rock n roll.. hope you enjoy the images below! Next week we are using the 4 x 5 and I have to say its a very sensitive camera! I can’t wait to shoot and also with that we have to shoot Spanish architectural detail so check back in a week for those pictures!


Have an awesome week!


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